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A Conversation with Chris Strompolos who played Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation, November 26, 2015

November 26, 2015


In June of 1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark was released and Indiana Jones was born. Cinematic history and the hearts of movie lovers and generations to follow were changed forever.

In June of 2014… 33 years later: The Raiders Guys completed what has been called “the greatest fan-film ever made“ – a shot-for-shot recreation of the Spielberg / Lucas classic. Welcome to our adventure!

from the “Raiders Guys” website

It’s summer. 1981…and it’s hot.

You’re 10, 11 years old…and there’s nothing to do.

So what DO you do?

Maybe you get a bunch of kids together and play ball: Baseball, basketball or soccer.

But it’s summer…and it’s hot, so maybe you find and indoor hobby like building model airplanes, or stamp collecting. Or maybe you get a job: Dog walking or9781250001474 washing cars or bagging groceries.

It’s summer…and it’s hot…. So maybe what you do is get together with another kid and make a shot-by-shot recreation of your favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That’s exactly what Chris Strompolos and Eric Zala did that summer…and the next…and the next…and on and on for seven years.

Then long beyond that.


Tune in to WNYE, 91.5 fm, tonight at 7pm to listen to our conversation. Or click here to listen to it as it streams live over the internet.


CLICK HERE for the Raiders Guys Website

CLICK HERE for Raiders! the book written by Alan Eisenstock about this adventure.

CLICK HERE for the “Vice” video about Chris and Eric.

CLICK HERE for the Vanity Fair article about Chris and Eric and their movie.

CLICK HERE for the wikipedia entry for Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

CLICK HERE for the wikipedia entry for Raiders of the Lost Ark


Have a Happy Thanksgiving.  bb


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